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CERMO-FC Annual Symposium

November 21-22, 2024

We are delighted to announce the 6th annual symposium of UQAM’s Center of Excellence in Research on Orphan Diseases – Courtois Foundation (CERMO-FC)! More than 230 researchers and students, mainly from UQAM, other universities in the UQ network and neighboring hospital research centers, are expected at UQAM’s Cœur des Sciences from November 21 to 22.

This event is an excellent opportunity for CERMO-FC and Rare.Qc network researchers and students to share their latest discoveries in the field of orphan diseases, and pave the way for new collaborations. This year’s program is packed with highlights, including a plenary lecture by Prof. Christiane Auray-Blais of the Université de Sherbrooke, who is in charge of the Programme québécois de dépistage néonatal urinaire pour les maladies métaboliques héréditaires in Sherbrooke, the presentation of 4 CERMO-FC grant winners, 20 oral presentations by students, and some 100 poster research projects. The CERMO-FC Symposium will thus enrich student CVs, and raise the profile of our member researchers’ research.

Hosted By:

See official event website for speaker and program updates.

Event Format:
In person only

Coeur des sciences de l’UQAM
175, avenue du Président-Kennedy
Montréal (Québec) H2X3P2